Monday, April 14, 2008


Today when i woke it came to me that at long last Kenya has written History by reverting to the way of government similar to its coloniolist masters of a head of of state and government arrangement although what is event is that the leader of government business who is Gordon Brown in the U.K 's case, Kalanzo
Musyoka is still hanging in there on the job which should have automatically gone to Raila Odinga! . A lot still need be done to catch up on Britains's style though Kneyas second Prime minister finds solace in his saying""half a loaf is better than nothing"

Universe of Knowledge and Information: Fwd: Re:Just Jogging your mind !!!

Universe of Knowledge and Information: Fwd: Re:Just Jogging your mind !!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fwd: Re:Just Jogging your mind !!!

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